Nowadays we regularly come across posts on social media depicting a god's photo and asking users to share in 3 seconds to get good luck. No - it doesn't work that way. And NO - god is not a social media addict, sitting there waiting for your likes and shares.
Here is how it works: You do good deeds, you get good results. And you do bad deeds, you get bad results. Sometimes the results are not instantaneous. In those cases people cannot find a reason behind the results and they simply call it luck.
But, we usually come across people who have been doing all good deeds throughout their life and still getting bad results. The opposite of this also happens. And in these situations there is no answer in the modern religions (which believe that you only live once) for why this is happening, and they simply call it god's will. If we are all god's children why would He wish good luck for some and bad luck for some? The ancient Indian philosophy has the correct answer for the question of luck - rebirth. For some of the good/bad deeds you do in this birth, you may get the results in next or further in future births.
Then, the question comes "why do we need to prey or believe in god if all we get is as per our past deeds?". The answer is, the stronger your belief in god the more chance that you will refrain from doing bad deeds. But, we also see people who appear to be ardent devotees of god and still doing bad deeds. That's because of the sanskara they are carrying forward from the past births. But, as the belief in god grows, the bad sanskaras slowly get washed away and people turn into being and doing good.
And why do people have to do Yagnas, Poojas etc. when they can get good results just by doing good deeds like helping others? There are two parts to it. Here is an example - when your job performance is good, you get higher salary and when your job performance is bad you get lower salary. But this salary is just for meeting the needs of your family. No matter how much salary you get, you still need to pay some taxes to the government. These taxes are for meeting the needs of the society you live in. The higher taxes a society pays, the higher the living standards can be(not taking into consideration the corruption in the government).
Same way god's government also needs taxes in the form of Yagnas and Poojas. The result of those is used for the greater welfare of the society and not just for you or your family. The more taxes the society pays, the more salaries the government employees get and the more good work they can do. Same way the more poojas and yagnas we do, the more salary god's employees like Indra, Varuna etc. get and they perform their duties with more enthusiasm leading to overall prosperity. This is explained in the Bhagavad Gita in slokas 3-10 and 3-11 given below:
Saha yagnaah prajaah srushtvaa purovaacha prajapatihi
anena prasavisyadhvam ena vostv isha-kaama-dhuk
devaan bhaavayataanena tedevaa bhaavayantuvah
parasparam bhaavayantah srehah paramavaapsyadha